Kozumi's Quote of the Week:
"I see you've met Diablo."
--Aro, to Holden as he reenters the room after being torched by Aro's summon monster.
Damn, this shirt makes me look unimaginably flat.
Lex: Its cuz you are.
(Beans Lex with rubber chicken) Shaddup. Well, I hope we're gonna get back to posting at a normal pace....Ha, like that's ever gonna happen. Well, lemme get Dea back out here and we'll finish up Friday night at Fanime, and possibly finish this ridiculous inner office war over love. And chickens. I have no idea what this chicken thing is.....
So after the swap, Ryo-chan and I went for the second cotume change for the night (3 costumes in one night, how prolific I am).
Dea: Or just indecisive.
She handed me a vest, and told me to put on my white-button down shirt and black pants and boots. I though we were aiming for a Yami no Matsuei costume, as that was 90% of my Tsuzuki costume, but she said it was more than that and headed off to the bathroom with something red. Okay, I was worried, but not worried enough to run. Eh, call it curiousity, calll it holding true to my word--
Dea: Or call it was it was--being an Uke and being too scared to defy the Seme..
(bonks Dea w/ piko piko hammer) --Call it what you will. Several minutes went by and finally out she comes in a long red coat, lacy gloves with no fingers, fishnet stockings and her hair down. Damn, like I didn't know who she was..... And here was me, without a guitar to hold.... So the secret costumes for Gakufest and the dance were Yoshiki (Ryo) and Pata from the J-rock band X-Japan. Hmmm, maybe I should have guessed that sooner, but eh, c'est la vie. Admittedly, I wasn't sure anyone would recognize us, given that not many people were into J-rock....mostly J-pop and K-pop.... But I decided that this was going to be fun anyway (as her coat was only held open by a single safety pin (mwa ha) so I set the doubts aside, took down my hair and we took to the con. She had a whole mess of roses, which I had a feeling would dwindle in number as the con progressed. They were the fake kind so no skin off our back if this became so.
After wandering the con, getting a few pics here and there, we stopped over at Gakufest, where there was a bunch of J-rock/gothic bands playing for the day. You had to pay to get in, but by the time we went, we got in for free cuz it was so late. So Ryo and I got to partake in a lil Blood, a fun little J-rock goth band with the penchant for pop-ish sounding music and spitting water at the crowed, inaddition to getting the other band members wet. Wow, it was just like all those X-Japan DVDs Ryo has, only this was live and toneed down a bit.
Dea: Toned down?? I couldn't tell if those guys were chicks or guys....damned dresses. And what about that guitarist running about and tumbling like the summer gymnastics olympics?
You haven't seen any X-Japan have you? Believe me, X-Japan makes Blood look like a Christian band.
Dea: HELL-o. O_o
Damn right. I really liked the music, kinda goth rock with a techno bass beat. It was kinda cool. We saw the last part of their run, had a break and then sat down with a band that Ryo and I knew all too well....
Lex: Secret Secret!
Right. The last band of the night was none other than the same live band from Yaoi-con '02--Secret Secret. I remember the lead singer taking off a piece of clothing every song they did back at Y-con. Well, maybe just 5 songs into thieir set, but damn was he hot.... Goth rocks. Ryo got to give the lead one of her roses during the concert, it was pretty sweet. Damn, he had nice eyes, ne?
Aro, Dio, and Kozu (dreamy-like): Ne......so desu....
Admittedly, after Blood was done, only, like, 20 people stayed, but that was okay, cuz Rob (lead singer as we learned later) wandered the thater, messing about with the audiance. It was so personal. I thought I'd died and gone to a t.a.t.u. concert.
Aro: -_-6
Anyway, after the show we hung about and Rob came out to talk to us few stagglers who were congregating outside the theater doors (inside, unless you've been to the Santa Clara convention hall, you'll have no idea of what this looks like). We all got to talk and, get this, he let us buy some of the compilation CDs for the SF goth rock community (or something like that--its Denki Tiger if you're interested) AND signed them! Wow, a cooler night could not have been better. Plus he recgnized Ryo's costume as Yoshiki from X. Damn, if this wasn't Heaven, then I don't want to go. Rob was so cute. His keyboardist came out to retrieve him for clean up so Ryo and I adjourned for the room, after checking out karaoke and joking about wanting to sing X-Japan'a "Art of Life" (which is, for those who don't know, 29 minutes long).
And that was mostly Friday night. Next post I'll give you a peak into Saturday, and learn why next time I should pack 9 packs of batteries for the camera.
*Till next time Lunies!*
Labels: Fanime