Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I Have Seen Hel(l)

Kozumi's Quote of the week:
"They're not cute. They're what you see before you die."
--Best Week Ever (Feb 29-Mar 6?), on the "spongemonkeys" of the Quizno's Ads.

Sorry for the brief posting, but FYI Anime OD was freakin' excellent!!!!! Full-blown con report extravaganza soon-to-be forthcoming, as I am currently talking to my lovely Aikata. So this post will be rather short....^^;; Suffice it to say that I have seen the seiyuu light and the rumors of my "wardrobe malfunction" are completely, totally, and officially true. XD Ha ha, stew in that Lunies....XD J/K

Sate, I'll be seeing you soon! Speculate, wonder, and rumor...feel free! Except you Aise....that'd worry me. XD J/K

*Till next time, Lunies!*

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