Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

1 More Day.....

Clio's Word of the Week:
Kross (n): A thing people are nailed on. (thanx to Hana for her...definition XD)

First off: <^>-_-<^> Who schedules TESTS on Valentine's Day? Its just not right. Unless you're lonely, have no life, are unloved, and hold a job in education. Tests suck. Thank you.

Well, one more day.... Hopefully I'll be developing pix tomorrow, and hopefully, I don't screw them up. X>__-X Fingers crossed.

T_T Tamago's b-day present for me no workie. Burned anime hates me...or my computer, but I hate my computer too sometimes. *strangles DivX* I hate yooooouuuuu!

Well, gotta go, got some hw.... War of the Worlds is scary. /).(\ Sleep tight, yo.

*Til next time Lunies*



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