Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Pretty, Pretty Butterflies....

Clio's Word of the Week:
Hammerspace (n)-- A magical, mythical plcae from which female anime characters pull out large mallets, guns, or other such weaponry or blugoning object when they become angry (the better to smash the male chara, who is no doubt responsible for engendering the wrath of the female).

MacWorld freakin r0x0rs. Though Iomega (responsible for the wonderfully odd and someimes downright stupid brightly colored buttons I'm wont to collecting) was not present, like Slashdot (whom may be attending the Boston con instead), I did get to see some pretty neat stuff. Like the new iPod Minis. Holy cow, those were cool. They're tinier than a normal iPod (the newer ones like mine), and come in fruity new colors like lavender, power blue and my fave: pink. They can only hold, like, 1,000 songs but nonetheless, if you have a small iTunes library, its perfect. A bunch of the Apple guys were wearing them on their sleeves via an arm band and they look cool. ^^ Made me miss Byakko like a bitch tho.....but I managed to buy an ipod skin for Byakko, so now I really do have a pink ipod. Ph34r teh p1|\|k 1p0|>. For those of you who hate l33t, screw you. XP
There was something else that really caught my fancy, but I'll get to that in a later post. Trust me, its sooooooooo cool. ^_~

In short, there was much funage at MacWorld, though my feet hurt....XD Got to see some really cool things and brought home some demos. Syndelin, our resident MacHead, was very pleased, as this was the only con that Dio didn't make her dress up for. XD

Syndelin: I do NOT cosplay. Thank you.
Dio: Aw, but cosplay is fun! *plans ipod commercial costume*

Hey, 3 cons a year, not bad for RanLune, ne?

In reference to Mon's quote, I've just finished Dean Koonntz's new novel "Odd Thomas", a great book. I recommend it to any Kootnz fan, but if you want a really good 1st person narritive by him, I'd recommend "Fear Nothing" And "Seize the Night" more than "Odd Thomas". The premise to OD is about Odd Thomas (yes, his first name's really Odd), a short-order cook who can see dead people (pause for side-splitting laughter from the Sora/Haley Joel Osment fangroup), and often is enlisted by the dead in solving crime surrounding thier deaths, much like Tsuzuki's role in Yami no Matsuei, only that Odd's not dead or a shinigami. August 14th, he finds evidence that some cataclysmic massacre will occur the next day, and with the help of spirits (one being the King of Rock himself), attempts to halt the oncoming onslaught. Its a sad, bittersweet ending though, so bring a tissue. All in all, we here give OD a thumbs up and 4 stars outta 5.

Inha: I thought reviewing books was MY job??
Syndelin: Don't worry, you're still late w/ "American Gods".
Inha: Hush you.

Well, tonight's the night: TenTen's bringin' Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly to my house with hopes to finish it. Fun game, and I'm eager to see how it all ends, despite the unchanging CG expressions of the charas within and the mediocre voice acting. If anyone's played though at least the first 2 chapters of it and would like to summarize it for me, I'd appreciate it. I feel like I missed a lot by missing the first 2 chaps. BTW, Mayu is a gimp. XD

Sate, minna-san. Gonna wrap up. Hopefully there will be another post within the next 2 days. Until then, don't concentrate too hard or your head will explode!

*Til next time, Lunies!*

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