Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Um....Cuz Somethings Are Better Left Unpornolized.....

I just ran Random Lunacy through Pornolize.com.....and all I can say is Oh. My. God. There are some things on there I'm not willing to say or type....XD

So for the curious (AND THE OVER 18), here it is. I'm not linking it, I'm just putting it here. If you REALLY wanna see it, just cut and paste.


Ah...wait, some of this is in....well, for your Scandinavian/German/whatever readers, yeah.... I'm sure SOME Nordic entities here really get what some of this really sez......

Loki: O_O Ok, that's even farther than I like to go. I'm really sorry I can read this.....

So ya. Pornolize.com: cuz you're bored, and we can. Thank You.

*Till next time Lunies....if I haven't scared you all off, that is.....*



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