Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I'm So Happy I Could Dance Around Like a Fruit

Kozumi's Quote of the Week:
"I'm so happy I could kick you in the nuts."
--What a friend wrote in my yearbook, Sophomore year.

What's on Dez's Desktop: Tsuzuki Asato montage; Kain and Raziel whuppin' ass and takin names; Dante, DMC hottie

YA-YAR! FINALS BE OVER FOR MEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Whoo-hoo! No more stressing! I'm so happy I could kick you in the nuts! *kicks Duo in the nuts* I'm on such a high today....so if things are a bit more random this time around, blame the termination of Fall 03 finals....

Bought Kodocha vol 10....T_T Oh my God, it was so sad! But it all works out in the end!!! YAY! ^^ I love Kodocha! Great series and if any of you haven't read it, I suggest you do because its a great roller coaster, tear at your heartstrings, laugh til your stomach hurts manga ride you'll never forget! Whee! I love Sana! And read "Mansion of Water" when it comes out too! With all the hell Sana and co. went through, they'd better do a manga about the movie....XD

Party time!!! Can't wait for this weekend!! Man, its gonna be a rush! PROPS!

Raziel: *pumping fist into air* PROPS!
Aerith: ^^ Now don't go pulling a muscle dear!

*dances around like a fruit* Yatta! Yatta! Yatta!!! *Yatta dance* XD HEY! For those on Tsu.nu forums, check out Tunak Tunak Tun! Its freakin' hilarious! And if possible, find the original video!!! I smell a random skit brewing......

Loki: Nope, its just my poisoned coffee---er, I mean my christmas coffee!
Aelys: If I hear that damned song one more time.....
Syndelin: *puts song on loop and runs*
Aelys: .......There's goes our chirstmas goose!!! *runs after her with katana*
Aro: Let's all do the dance! "Tunak Tunak Tun. Tunak Tunak Tun. Tunak Tunak Tun. Da da da!!!"
Loki: XD XD XD And all you readers are unlucky to not being able to see this..... Shake it, Dead Boy!
Rya: Or lucky as the case may be on our end....XD
Coleco: Could be worse....we could be looping The Penis Song....
Rya: Can we say that on the radio?
Loki: This isn't radio.
Syndelin: Its the INTERNET, dude. We can say anything.
Loki: Its all right, she already said "nuts". No holds barred.
Rya: XD Can we say that?
Loki: YES! We can say that! And that's good.
Coleco: ^^ We're having a good post today....

Well, better wrap up the madness.....XD I'll prolly post tomorrow.... But we're not exactly sure about what's going to happen to everyone's favorite ranting post during the holidays. So keep up to see what may happen....maybe Ryochan'll torure you guys w/ more quiz posts....XD L8r, Lunies!

*Til next time Lunies!*

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