Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Freedom is a Many Splendored Thing

Kozumi's Quote of the Week:
"If I hafta hear another commercial for that Christian rock CD, I swear I'm blowing something up."
--And I'm sure you all feel that way too.

Clio's Word of the Week:
Mugu mugu (v): Japanese onomonopeoia for chewing.

What's on Dez's Desktop: Dante of DMC; Tecmo's cute Japanese twins Mio and Mayu in their secret place (XD); a Southpark-esque Homer Simpson oggling the Stargate Donut

Well, Lunies, its Dez's last day of freedom, as she starts school tomorrow. Everyone pray to their respective deities that I get a full schedule so that I get health insurance. XP I want to say that the SJSU registering system sucks ass because it won't accept Safari anymore. Peoplesoft can kiss my ass.

Everyone needs to read Belle du Jour, a weblog about a London call girl. Yes, I'm really serious. If you like reading about sex and the practicality of the career of a call girl, then I wholeheartedly suggest looking at Belle du Jour.

My b-day's coming up but more importantly, will I pass my driver's test this Friday?? Toss in another prayer to those holy entities for my passing the test.

I'm battling the cold virus right now so most of RanLune's populous have been rather under the weather. If you wondered if Shinigami and Gods get sick, well, I have a testament from Tsuzuki, Aro, Byakko, and Hermod that being sick sux0rs. And there's a case of the undead itch, but I'm gonna leave that to your imaginations...and Raziel. I pity him. Almost.

In Dez's PS2: Jade Cocoon 2, Star Ocean: Second Story, Final Fantasy Origins, LoK: Defiance, Tales of Destiny.

Recent reading material: Japanese Folk Tales, Myths of the Norsemen, The Best Baby Name Book Ever, Odd Thomas, SJSU's Spring 2004 Catelogue, Rising Stars of Manga vol 2.

Recent lustings: Loki (Mythical Detective Loki), Dee Laytner (Fake), Anji Mito (Guilty Gear XX), Edogawa Conan (Detective Conan [which BTW has been picked up, the 1st 50 or so eps]), Aro of Swords (Pot Sticker), Hisoka Kurosaki (Yami no Matsuei), Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7), Miki Shinichiro's voice, Mayu and Mio Amakura and Itsuki Tachibana (Fatal Frame 2)

This is what happens when I get sick and I'm supposed to stay in bed.... The mind starts to wander. I've also decided to do a short (5-6 chapter) mini-series that preceeds Ecstacy Education (the series about insane teachers who teach insane delenquents), w/ a working title of "Project Assassin". I plan to do a bit more background history on mainly Ashton, Rowan (no, Fox, not you, you just share the same name ^^), Bridget, and maybe Effram. I dunno, I just felt that w/o the full history, the comedy of EE isn't as powerful. For more information....watch this space.

Well, I'm off to get some sleep for tomorrow. I'm gonna kiss ass like the world has never seen. Go me!

*Wish me luck Lunies!*

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