Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Thursday, January 29, 2004

From 6, Ye Shall Haveth 9....

What's on Dez's Desktop: A closing image of Loki w/ Bristings; spooky ghosts and binary code by Vincent Marcone; Gundam Wing's G-boys looking sharp in Mariemeia's Army uniforms.

Well, I now officially have 9 units (3 classes), going on 12 tomorrow and if I'm lucky, 15 by Monday. I'm feeling pretty good about myself. Wow, Tamago's luck really did work!! XD Should I worry?

Byakko update: If I'm lucky Byakko-chan will arrive by Monday and I'll be able to ditch my stupid battery-draining CD/MP3 player. And, yes, I have a skin to make my iPod pink. XD Ph34r teh p1|\|k 1P0d! Me gusta l33t.

Anyone know any super-fun Gameboy games out there? I don't care if its for the old Gameboy or for the advance or SP, I just want a game that's more engaging than Harvest Moon GB or old school Tetris. Any good suggestions will be appreciated.

And for those who are wondering, yes, I'm ok. The cold's more or less gone and I don't need to be on Sudafed, Dimatap, and Day/NyQuil every 6-12 hours.

Aro: "NyQuil NyQuil NyQuil! We love you! You giant fucking Q!!"

XD Yes, quite. For those who don't know, I've decided to (for reasons of temporary insanity and deprivation) make a Fatal Frame 2 doll set. Mayu's done but Mio's still in production. Its quite possible that they will find a permanent home w/ me...and if I figure it out, I may make a Yae and Sae set. Why?? Because Tecmo twins are cute. I'm approaching finishedness for Zoro and Bridget. And if anyone knows how to make hats, like tamoshanters (sp?) or berets, can you toss the info my way? I wanna make a pengun hat. ^^

I'm unable to take my driver's test tomorrow as I have to add a class during that time (so I'll be in school for full days all week -_-), so hang onto your good lucks until the next time I can take it. ^^ Thanks to Diana for the vote of confidence, and welcome to Random Lunacy!

Loki: Now shove off....

*dropkicks Loki* Haven't done that in awhile. ^^ Well, better go and deal w/ some a' you online. Catch ya on the flip side, lunies!

:: how nintendo are you? ::

For you old school 80's gamers.... Of which I may be one of the only ones....T_T

*Till next time Lunies!*

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