Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Monday, July 14, 2003

When we last left out heroes...ah to hell with it...here's the short version:

The Cast:
Lolita: Neo Black 6
Aro, Pot Sticker
Calliope Valentine, Random Lunacy Poet
Dio Maxwelle, Random Lunacy Comic Creator
Lex McCloud: Random Lunacy Male Persona
Kozumi, Neo Black 9--Second Generation
Raz-Raziel: Neo Black 9
Rya Li St. John, Neo Black 9
(in alphabetical order too!)

The short short version!

Lex: So you wanna know about the truth? They say that Lolita, the Heart and Common Sense of RanLune and Raz-Raziel, the Manic Depressant are having an affair.
Dio: Think I'm gonna be sick....
Aro: How does it work??
Rya: He will die.

(In the kitchen......)
Lolita: Ah, there you are dearest.
Raz: Yes, my love?
Lolita: Would you help me with the groceries, honeybun?
Raz: Of course, snugglebunnie.
Aro (with grocery bag): Excuse me.
Raz: What are you doing?
Aro (looking sick): I'm gonna need this. Never mind me, we gotta hide you now!
Raz: ............This can't get any worse.
Lolita: Dear I need you to meet my mother.
Raz: .....................She's not going to make us sing karaoke like TenTen did, is she?

Kozumi (on cell phone): Aro? Yeah, I'll distract Rya here with Dio and Lex's help. You get Lolita and Raz outta there.
Aro: We're enroute to Syn and Calli's place. Ja!
Rya: I'll kill Raziel for this!!
Calliope (on cell phone, entering): Aro? Yeah? Lolita and Raz are going to my place? What? Don't tell Rya? Okie-dokie.
Rya: .................Kill........

Now that ya'll are up to speed......

Aro (staring at the phone): Dear God.
Raz: What?
Aro: Um.....
(Rya rounds corner)
Rya: YOU......
Raz (claws up in defence): I...I was...I was gonna tell you.....
(Rya reaches the group, when Lolita jumps in front of Raz in defense)
Rya: Outta the way Loli.
(Calliope, Kozumi, Dio and Lex enter)
Dio: We're too late.
Lex (calling to Raziel): Been nice knowin' you!
Kozumi: Rya! Be reasonable!
Raz (stepping in front of Lolita): Rya....
Rya (throttling RAz): You bastard!! Why?! I didn't raise you like this!
Dio (trying to break Rya's death grip): Rya! Stop! You kill him.
Aro: We're all already dead, so its okay.
Lex: S'all good.
Rya (collapsing into weeping): Why?! Why?! All I wanted....I wanted you to settle down with a good, handsome young man...maybe a nice rich seme, like Aro...!
Aro: ................O_o
Lolita: Is that all?
Rya (nodding miserably): I wanted him to turn out like a nice bishonen.....I worked to hard....and then he goes all herterosexual!!! (starts weeping profusely on Lolita's shoulder)
Kozumi: ......Is that--
Aro: --all??
Lex: And here I was thinking she had some sort of jealous streak cuz she liked Raz or something.
Raz (recovering): Wh-what?? Is that why you're mad?! Cuz I'm dating a girl??
Rya: Exactly! Look at Aro, Kozu and Ashton! They're all dating nice respectible semes!
Kozumi: Hey....*I'm* the seme....
Aro: So am I.
Lex: No you're not.
Kozumi: He's right.
Aro: Shaddup.
Raziel: ..........You're all insane....
Lolita (looking critically at Raz as she consoles Rya): You know....I wouldn't mind some sort of threesome....with maybe...Ashton? Dante?
Raz: O_o!!!!
Lolita (pleasant grin)
Raz: Evil....
Lolita (peck on what's left of his cheek): That's why you love me...
Aro: Eww...
Lex: I'm with you.
Rya (drying tears): Ne, if you don't mind me asking...what do you two see in each other?
Lolita: We have so much in common!
Dio: Like what?
Kozumi: You're both dead?
Aro: You're both carbon based lifeforms?
Lex: You were both run through with swords?
Dio (smacking Lex): Hey!! Those are spoilers!
Raz: We found that we share a love for RPGs, needlepoint, nekos, Two-Mix, and rainy evenings next to the fire with a mug of hot souls and hot chocolate with a stack of mangas and a thick blanket.
All: O_o
Lolita: Plus he's great in the bedroom.
Lex: Okay that's it....I'm outta here.
Aro: That's way to gross for me.....
Dio: .......
Kozumi: My eyes! MY EYES!
Diz: I still don't get it.
Calliope: Nor do I. Wanna grab some cheesecake?
Aro (puppyfied): KAY!
Lolita (to Rya): May we have your blessing, Rya?
Rya: ...................Only if you treat him like the uke he really is.
Lolita (all smiles): Can do!

And so, the anger was appeased..... The lovers were happy with Rya's blessing--
Raz: No I'm not!
--And there was much cheesecake to be had. A happy ending if I may say so.
Lex: .....riiiiiight......

Ye merry olde ende.....

Kozumi: What about the chicken invasion??

*Till next time Lunies!*



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