Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Monday, June 28, 2004

...This is Aise. Aise is nice. But Aise is leaving for a very long time *cry*. I want to hang out more this summer, but I can't. Therefore I am comandeering this blog to say hi and bye to people for (probably) until well into the school year. So, as I leave for Europe I just want to leave you all with warm, happy feelings, a false sense of security, and a potential psycho under your beds.

Muraki: Me? Under their beds? Why not in their beds?
Asie: *throws him a bishi* Shut up, you.
Muraki: No, really! I can sneak into beds unseen, now! I've been learning ninjitsu!
All: -_-;;;
Muraki: Sexy no jitsu! *turns into Ivy from Soul Calibur*
Aise: Oy vey! I'm ready to plotz. (i'd type more, but I can't spell that much Yiddish)

And now for something completely different, which has nothing to do with flying sheep of any sort. This is the end of the world. And this is POT on crack.

T_T I want to kidnap you all and stuff your bodies into my carry-on luggage, but, alas and alack. I've not the time or space. So fare thee well. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Yadda yadda. Blah.

Anyways, If I don't see you again, here's a kicking screaming Heimdall for Dez and a sexy-no-jitsu-Muraki in bunny ears to turn loose on the world. And a girl with a twist @_^ to play with.

And I'm still taking orders for hot guys/chicks to bring home from Europe. Let's see: 1 woman for Dez, 1 guy for Tamago... I see a pattern. I'll just bring a guy for each guy and a girl for each girl and if you don't like it, I'll take them for my own harem. ^_^

Ok. It's late. Aswitty as I usually am (hahahaha) I cannot function at the moment and must, therefore, say goodnight. And molest Dez *molestgropefondleglomplickhugchurun*
Goodnight, and if I've learned anything from reading it's 'always take a towel when you travel.' Thank you Douglas Adams.

^_^/) Byebye


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