How About This Heat?
Kozumi's Quote of the Week:
"I don't give a monkey's testicle...I'd give 2!"
--K-man's response to some odd quote or another.
What's on Dez's Desktop: Loki getting fawned over by high school girls; Kain leering over a building (BO2); Yami no Matsuei pancakes; Mio and Mayu at the lake. about this heat, Lunies? I know I said I love the heat...but holy cow.
Lex: Mooooo...
.....Thanx Lex. Know what heat means? POOL TIME FOR DEZZIE! ^^ I need a new swimsuit....
Costumes for Fanime are slowly getting done....I'm hoping that banking on my friend's seamstress was a good idea...I really hope I'm not overtaxing her. ^^;;; I really wish that either my sister or I sewed cuz that'd make cosplaying so much easier.
I've somewhat welcomed yet another Loki into the fold, this time cocky, stubborn and female.... Yes, this makes calling the lil norse god incredibly difficult when you have like 3 of them running around in the 3 hundred ring circus of my mind. So, Loki-chan, introduce yourself and come up with a new alias quick before I dropkick you too.
Loki-chan: Who's dropkicking who?? I'll be the one administering them, thank you very much.
Loki (Ragnatropolis): Riiiiiiiight. -_-6
Aro: Hey, cutie, wanna see which pantheon I'm in? I can really show you what being a god's like. *cue lecherous grin*
*Aro gets the crap beaten out of him*
Loki-chan: *dusting off hands* Anyone else want to hit on a Norse God?
Loki: I would but that might be considered narcissism. ^^
Sun Wukong: Um...Loki-chan?? Put that knife down....
Oooooohhh-no, I am NOT harboring the Monkey King in addition to a smart-mouthed female trickster god. He can go and live elsewhere.
Sun: I feel SO loved.
Lok-chan: Exactly. Everyone hates you anyway.
Loki: And people say I'm rude.
.........Right, well, I'll be working out the mechanics to this for awhile.... All you Lunies stay cool, ne?
*Till next time Lunies!*
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