Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Friday, August 29, 2003

Kozumi's (late) Quote of the Week:

"Well, you know, TenTen, I have a uterus...."
--Rya, when TenTen expressed an interest in fathering children one day.

And Kawaii-chan's Word of the Week:

Pleh (interj)--1) A word/sound that is used as an evasive answer to questions one does not wish to answer. 2) A sound/word used to express frustration, bordom or irritation (see Gwar).

Well, Lunies, with the new school term starting, we've been a might busy. A little to busy to post.

Aro: which sucks cuz then she asks Aise to post and all hell breaks loose.
Ashton: I know, isn't it great? ^_^

But its doeesn't seem like the site's getting much traffic anyway....so, yeah. The comments are working again, after some stint of being not working....dunno what happened there.....

For those of you who visit Ryori-san's forum (TsuNu Forum, or something), you've noticed that your lovely host has put up a bid of $20 for Who's ponytail. Some of you may find this either a) ridiculous, or b) downright dumb, but let me say in my defense that I want it for a chibi doll that may or may not be used for a voodoo doll later.....

Ashton: Riiiiiight.

Anyway, I want this and anyone who bids higher will cause me to raise my bid and make me hate you with a holy passion that burns with the fires of a thousand suns.

Syndelin: ......riiiight....

Short docket today, as we really don't have much to report.....mayhaps something interesting will happen over the weekend. Also, I get the feeling that the "homework" assignments are "too much work" for some of you..... Its simply my version of interactiveness for thsi lowly site. Anyone who'd like to give me some feedback on how to make things like this more entertaining is welcome to do so. Well, that's about it....

duo's ass
DUO'S ASS!!! You, my friend, have a NICE ASS!!!
*cheers* It goes well with braids especially
when your long braid always slaps agaisnt your
ass all day long... You look good in black
clothes... well at least your ass stands out
well in it. ^^

(Anime) What sexeh Bishonen's ass do *YOU* have?! -^_^- (includes pics!! XD yey!)
brought to you by Quizilla

HELL YAH!! Otou-san wa dare de aruka?!

Lex: Uh.....riiiiiiight.....

*Till nexxt time Lunies!*



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