Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Sunday, July 27, 2003

Pum..... What to write....

Hey! Good news here is that lil ol me got contacts! Yes yes, the host of RanLune finally got the guts to try the things out. And you know what? They're fisking awsome. I don't have much of a problem putting them in and taking them out but I do realize that this is a major step for me. Since I'm on a week trial, I'm considering my decision to get contacts for every now and then occasions (like for days when I go on rollar coasters). I'll still have my glasses, but I'll be using contacts too. For people who have seen me sans glasses, tell me what you'd prefer.... If all goes well with my parents, I may get colored contacts, possibly in purple.

Dio: This is just one more step into anime cosplay assimilation.....

Damn right. The concept scares most of the cast....dunno why.....

Well, for all you guys who wonder what goes into a RanLune post, here's a lil insider info. Usually a blog post will start off with the usual month-to-month, or week-to-week business chores, letting my usual gang of idiots run with a rant or two, then be followed by a report, a personal rant, or some lil news flash about what's been going on lately. Usually such info comes from 2 sources: 1) a recent even, or 2) something I read in someone else's blog.
Before I do an actual post, I usually cruise about and visit some of your guys' blogs. Not all you readers, just by closer friends. If, say, Eve posted something that day about Harry Potter or Pirates of the Carribbean, I'd read and perhaps post a small blurb on said rant or opinion (if I haven't left and adequate comment in the comment box). Or, if Ryori-san had posted some infor regarding an anime, or TenTen had left a comment about a get-together, I'd give my lil report on it.
Other people's blogs are my newspaper, in a nutshell. If I missed something regarding someone's feelings on a fanfic, or someone's favorite muusic, I'd hop over to one of those blogs for some insider info. Since I no longer attend school with some of you, I feel that the blogs are my network in keeping me abreast with current events.
That said, I'm wondering if people do the same with this space.... I admit most of the smack that goes on here really is nothing more that what the title is--random lunacy, but I do try to put things on here that may be of interest to my readership. Basically I don't have a large circle of friends that I hang out with, prolly just Denali and TenTen, and his lil bro. So, if ya'll see something that did interest you (be it a monthly story or perhaps a topic of debate), please don't hesitate to tell me what I do right and what I do wrong. I may just read and disregard, but I *do* read, and, most of the time, consider.

Thanks to both Tsubasa (AKA Ryori) and Moogle-man (AKA Light, new nicky!) for their submissions for the homework assignment. As of now, there is no pass or fail grades....'cept you CloudZero, cuz I have the power to say so. Nyah nyah, Gackt style =P (U+K, Mars album) XD Anyway, prizes are awarded to Ryo and Light for 1) the fastest response and 2) the most unique submission.

Dio: There were only 2 entries, though.....

Exactly! Now! To the winners, congradulaton--a winner you are. To everyone else, thanks for a comment! Sate! What will the next assignment be...?

You're a Bishonen Catboy!!! You're so pretty...you
put catgirls to shame. *_* You tend to be
sorta quiet and timid, but with people staring
at you all the time, you have reason to be.

What Kind of Catboy are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

*Till next time Lunies!*



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