Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Brawl Diaries: Playing w/ Lucas

Kozumi's Quote of the Week:
"Change is good. Especially when you're outside an arcade."
--Patrick, on the subject of changes.

I have the tendency to curse like a sailor when playing games, especially competitive ones (you should hear me on Mario Kart DS or Bomberman XD). Well, as you've noticed, I tend to curse pretty often. There isn't a moment that goes by in Brawl that I don't scream at the cpu (or real players) "You are a CHEATING WHORE!" and get my Dane Cook Monopoly on.

Lex: FUCK THIS SHIT. *flips table over*
(ノ`0)ノ ⌒┻━┻)゚д゚)・∵

I wonder why no one plays board games with me anymore. XD However, as Guise pointed out last week:

me: XD
ok, i just finished it (the twins article)
fuck, hang on
i missed a tag
Guise: ooh, naughty word, bad Dio
would you talk like that in front of Lucas? ^^
me: there we go
we'd eat cookies and milk
oatmeal raisin, cuz that's the best cookie ever

...leading of course to:
If Lucas hung out w/ me....well, I'd be a hell of a lot less vulgar, and thus less fun. XD I'm a good Neechan.

*Mother....FATHER, the game is a cheating who--horrible cheater, Lunies*

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At 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That still makes me audibly "Aww" in a manner not at all masculine.

Also, should I be heartbroken that the link to me includes a 'thank god' regarding distance? If not, too late. T_T

At 11:41 AM , Blogger Dio said...

well, what do you want it to say? I can change it ^^

At 11:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no, no...you can be thankful for an oceon distance.

It's...it's fine...

Excuse me, I have...something in my eyes...

At 5:51 PM , Blogger Dio said...

Your tears will only sweeten my link.

Its fixed btw. XD

At 11:41 AM , Blogger Annette said...

Hello. :o You might not recognize me but I just wanted to say that the "flipping the table" emoticon made my frigging day. XD


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