Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Didn't think i'd get 31 entries, but what a ride it was (what with being late the last 5 or so days ^^;;). We've just turned out our lights and we were the last ones ont he block to do so. It was pretty good, I haven't given out candy to the kiddies since we moved into the apartment around 5 years or so ago. It was nice to see them. We prolly got more than 120 kids. I saw only a scant few costumers at SJSU, but there were a few cool ones. Like this:
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That Spartan's pretty keen also...XD Whee. KILL THE REDS, SUCK IT BLUE.
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I found him.
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This just made my day. ^^

My bf and I decided to walk down to Japantown in San Jose for exercise, so we walked on down, grabbed a snack, then visited our friend at Farout Toys. J-toan was doing a trick-or-treat for the kiddies at various shops and restarants. It was really cute. Also, the guy who ran Farout was playing a Godzilla movie that was f-kicking awsome. Don't ask me which one, I only know it was newer and it had a wrestler in it. It was pretty neat.
On our way back, I noticed that a few houses were dressed up to kill for Halloween.
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It really took me back. I haven't really had a chance to really just relax and reminesce about my childhoods of Halloweens. Its been a long time since I can say I really enjoyed one, or even an October proper.
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There's something nostalgic about old webs, fake blood, and ridiculous manniquins. I remember these things when I used to trick-or-treat, something I haven't had the chance or guts to do since I was in high school. It was a chance to see things haveen't changed all that much.
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Sure, you couldn't find a house on the US that still gives out handmade treats, or see parents allow their children into haunted houses that were inside people actual houses instead of on the lawn. But there was that crisp feeling in the air that almost takes you back to time when you could. It finally cooled off yesterday and today, and earthquake nothwithstanding (somehow, I neglected to mention yesterday that while carving the mushroom pumpkin, there was a 5.6 earthquake that nearly knocked our china cabinet on me), its starting to shape up to be a grand holiday season.
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Here's a pic of my happy pumpkin dude. I like his face, he looks like my granpa, if my granpa was given to being a squash-like veggie-table.
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The pumpykin with the face always goes on this silly lil stand we bought years ago. Its goofy, but it somehow feels right.
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Dad put the tombstones and the mushroom pumpkin out on the lawn, where the screaming tombstone zombie thing would hopefully scare away any possum that tried to nibble on my masterpiece of gutted gourd.
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Hopefully, you all had a great October and Halloween. I wish you all plently of holiday spirit, be it wintery, snowy, witchy, or Japanesey. Its been a great run, my friends, so enjoy it. You only get so many Halloweens in your life. Make the most of them. Eat Reeses Peanut Buttercups til you puke. Trick-or-treat until ppl staop giving you candy. Dress up like you're 6 again. Its Halloween, its Pagan, and its real.

*Happy Halloween, Lunies! See you Next Year!*

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