Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Monday, December 08, 2003

O_o Finals.....~~~

What's on Dez's Desktop: Raziel and...Raziel...Full circle; Loki from MaLoki w/ wings (opening); Lord Kain, Doll Reaver

Kozumi's Quote of the Week:
"Ah, hentai...sweet nectar of the Gods...."
--Thor, when overhearing Loki talking about the hentai doujinshi he'd bought for Aina.

O_o OMG. I just finished my art final, a 11 page romp through breaking fourth walls and a collection of my comic characters messing with the author (me). I figure it took around 18-20 hours, bleeding calluses, cramped hands, and India ink all over the place to complete. XD But its done, and the last hurdle to clear besides final exams (of which I have ONE XD) is my speech for Thursday. I'm almost done!!! Whee!

In other news, Traykor-san has left the state, all gradumated (XD) and everything, working down in Yuma (unless I'm wrong). I sent her off with a pkushie of Shannon from Scrapped Princess, and funnily enough, her gift to me was an Ecchan plushie. XD I can stretch it sideways and wear it on my head. Its my lil marshmallow demon tentacle shikigami! ^_^ And its PINK, and for those who haven't seen me in awhile, I wear obscene amounts of pink. So it makes me happy.....XD ^__________^ Punyaaaaaan!!

X-mas shopping be hell, but at least Chou-chan's Secret Santa thingy for her party makes the gift buying more easy on us as we're not obligated to buy gifts for anyone else except our secret santa (at least those who are going to the party). My person's getting a chibi, so whee for them. I still hafta get some last minute gifts, for ONE person in particular, and she knows who she is. XD

SF trip coming up, and its gonna be frickin COLD. Oh well, shopping at Kinokuniya and giving them hell is what I'm looking forward to. That and Taiyaki. ^^ No, kiddies, do not feed the shinigami godling. XD

Not much else to write about, so I'd better get back to wrapping--

Aro: When ah was walkin'--
Rya: Aro. You are strictly forbidden from rapping.
Syndelin: Aawwwwww, yeah.
Rya: Syn, however, may rap all she wants.
Lex: C'mon Cho, kick a def rhythm for us.

Riiiiiiight.....Thanx guys for the idiocy. Sate, catch ya all on a later date!

*Till next time, Homies! XD*

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