Random Lunacy

Ranting from a San Jose artist/amature cosplayer at its finest. Multiple personalities frequent to kibitz author. Random Lunacy: Is it sleeping...or is it dead? >>

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Fruit Works Faux Pas

Kozumi's Quote of the Week:
"Yeah. But no, Dez....I need a penis."
--My friend Tamago, after considering the logic behind my reasons for bisexuality.

Clio's Word of the Week:
SAT (n): (1) Satan's Aggrevating Testing. ^^ ; (2) A modern torture device used against high school students before applying to college.

What's on Dez's Desktop: How to H in Ragnarok Online; Think Different Lain Mac ad; Mio holding Mayu by the lake.

Another week, another dollar....ch, I wish. So, how has the week been going? Normal.....which is odd to say the least...

EXCEPT! For something that happened Monday. It was lunch break for a few of us: Tamago, Inuki, Chou-chan, Lostnomad, Yilan(^^), Monkey King, and myself.... The egg, monkey and I had just gotten back from Subway w/ foodage as usual. Tamago had a Fruit Works (bottled juice for those outta the loop) and I wanted some, so I whined and made my motions of begging to get it. Inuki apparently wanted some too, so when I handed the bottle back to Tamago, I gave it to Inuki first. I turned back to Monkey for some verbal abuse or something along those lines, when i hear this strange sound from behind me and Lostnomad cracking up. I turn back to the 3 behind me (Egg, Dog, and Yilan) to see Tamago wiping off his glasses and Inuki looking quite shocked.

Appreantly what had happened was as Inkuki was taking a drink, Tamago was trying to make him laugh and as he choked, he spit everything he had in his mouth at the egg and Yilan. XD XD XD XD Yilan was hit but good ol' yellow egg took the brunt of it. I was laughing for almost 10 minutes, and that's after I'd heard what happened. Imagine how long I'd be cracking up if I'd actually seen it happen. XD So yeah. Fruit Works is funny now. Ph34r teh Fruit Works.

Last night my father, sister and Tamago and I all sat down for family time to watch a family movie: Kill Bill Vol. 1. XD XD Yes, my family is one that considers Quentin Tarentino movies family movies. Great flick, it was a trip to see Uma Thurman kick so much ass. The time inconsistencies were a bit of a stretch (even to me) but the kick ass fight scenes were enough for me to say it was pretty neat. Syndelin's movie reveiw on it soon to be forthcoming, after seeing Kill Bill Vol. 2 if I'm lucky this Saturday.

Speaking of Sat, wish me luck (again) on the driver's test. This time I'll hopefully pass it. ^^;;

And with a dropkicking of a certain Norse God:

Loki: >< OW!!!

--I bid you all good night. After all, Anime Club's tonight and there's a double dose of MaLoki. ^^ As well there should be cuz its getting angsty as the series closes. That and Scrapped Princess. So, ja ne Lunies!

*Til next time, Lunies!*



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